Hot, Hot, Hot
Within the last few days it has become very hot in Vellore. Summer is definitely here. Until recently, the days would be sunny and hot, but the nights lovely and cool.
But it is becoming unbearably hot, stiflingly hot. At night it is still hot, but a bit less so. The fan in my room runs day and night when I am there. I no longer go out at midday––the heat is ennervatingly hot, and the sunlight bores right through me. I drink liters of water to try and keep from wilting.
Today we had a pleasant interval of heavy, pouring rain. There had been cloud this morning, as on previous mornings. At first I thought they were merely teasing again, but, in the afternoon, the heavens suddenly opened and the rain began to pour.
Everything came to a halt. Most Indian vehicles aren't rainproof this time of year, and the rain was intense. The street in front of LCECU cleared out, the only time, day or night, I have ever seen it empty. Puddles formed, and everyone stood, looking at the rain, enjoying it, and the cool breezes it brought.

After the downpour, things quickly returned to normal, to noise and activity. But the air smelled fresh, it smelled of green living things, not of diesel fumes and dust and cooking and drains. That alone made the day a good one.
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