Mardis Gras
A Canadian friend of mine, Chrystia, sent me the following Bill Moyers quote:
"I mean, think about it. Other than the war in Iraq , the Katrina disaster, the deficit, the CIA leak, torture, stopping stem cell research, homeland security, global warming and undercutting science, we've yet to really feel the negative effects of the Bush administration."And she has the right to complain; after all, she was on vacation in New Orleans when Katrina stuck. Since she was just visiting, and didn't have a car (like most of the poor people), she was stuck in town during the evacuation.
Chrystia spent several days at the convention center. While Condi shopped for $500 shoes and took in Spamalot, Cheney bought a new mansion, and Bush continued his vacation in Texas and played air guitar with country stars, she bore the brunt of Katrina. And survived.
But no one could have predicted the breach of the levees, Bush later claimed. Except, as it turns out, the entire team that briefed him the day before. Via teleconference. The head of the weather service. Even Michael Brown, who was later scapegoated. Even the Arabian horse expert was more engaged, more concerned than the Boy King. AP video
It's been six months since Katrina struck, and not much seems to be happening in New Orleans. As always, the administration promised much ad delivered little. Sure, Bechtel and Halliburton may have won fat contracts, but little has trickled down to the beleaguered citizens. Soon the 2006 hurricane season will be upon us, and very little has been done to secure the levees.

An interesting source of information about NO is blogger Scout Prime. You can read her blog here.
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