Friday, February 24, 2006
Jiji's father, C.C.Mathews, died on the evening of the 22nd in Vellore, and was buried today in Madras. He was 75 years old, and died quietly after a long illness.
I did not get to know him very well, only meeting him a few short times in the past, before his final dementia set in. He was a lovely man, based on the affection shown him by his family and friends.
C.C. was known in his youth, I am told, as "Mathews Maths", due to his great mathematical talent. He rose from humble beginnings to be the head engineer of India Railways. He raised three daughters, educated them, and saw that they were well married and settled. He got to see his six grandchildren and to spoil them, as grandfathers should. And he loved his wife, who misses him very much.
It was a traditional Orthodox funeral. The family and friends gathered, and sang and prayed aloud.

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