
Getting ready for Christmas is a job of epic proportions in my household. I've gotten the outside stuff done before the before the snows came, thankfully, but lots of work remains. By next Saturday evening I have to make the Baileys, decorate the tree, hang the cedar roping indoors, set out the snow globes and candles, clear out the basement, decorate the basement, and get the food ready. Oh, and get started on Christmas letters and cards.........
My neighbors, Sonny and Jeff, helped bring the tree in Thursday--we shook the snow off, sawed half a foot off the bottom, drilled a hole in the trunk, and then put it in the stand. The trunk is a bit crooked, but that won't be visible once it has been properly decorated. (Photo above from before I cut the mesh tube off.)
The tree seems a bit smaller this year; once the branches relax (it's been bundled into a mesh tube for two weeks) it will be much wider. I've already trimmed out half a 33-gallon garbage can full of branches, as the tree was too dense and bushy. I need room for the ornaments. And I've run four special extension cords up the trunk, each with nine outlets.

It stands ready, sucking up water (I have to fill the reservoir three times a day) and perfuming the house. Saturday--the lights!!!!!
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