Yellowstone in the Snow
I seem to have a knack of picking snowy days to visit Yelllowstone. In 2003 I had one fairly good day, and one day of blizzard conditions. I had never seen Yellowstone Lake, even though I'd driven along the shore. I had hoped to change my luck.
It was not to be, even though I came a month sooner. The day was cold with constant sleet, making it unpleasantly wet to walk around. I visited many sights, but only briefly. I got a good look at the falls, and saw lots of buffalo, but most of the time the landscape was shrouded in steam and snow.

I did finally get a look at the lake though--the weather cleared as I was leaving the park. This was not an altogether good thing--being a flatlander, I have a slight concern with (not fear of) heights, and especially precipices. The drive in and out of the park was via the southeast entrance, which was under construction. And, let me tell you, the drive along a muddy track on the side of a very high mountain was much more concerning when you could see the valley below quite clearly!

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