Holiday Cheer
My party last night was lots of fun (I am told) and a smashing success--lots of people, and few leftovers. I was too busy hostessing to take photos, so I am waiting for friends (Loraine and Wes) to e-mail me some.
While we were having a grand old time in Union Lake, the prince of darkness scuttled away from his secure location to
Shouts of "hooah!" from the audience interrupted Cheney a few times, but mostly the service members listened intently. When he delivered the applause line, "We're in this fight to win. These colors don't run," the only sound was a lone whistle.The troops didn't seem encouraged by the VP's brave words; they may have been thinking back the Cheney's own brilliant military record.
Meanwhile, in Washington, the GOP continues to play Scrooge, filling the stockings of the richest 1% at the expense of the neediest members of our society.

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