Supporting Our Troops

Bush talks the talk, but does not walk the walk. He and those on the right claim to support our troops, but they appear to do so only theoretically, and not in any practical manner. Moral support? Yes! Adequate equipment, decent food, decent pay? No! Yellow ribbons and patriotic blogging? Yes! Bringing the troops home (instead of sending them on a fourth tour of Iraq)? No! Enlisting to help the War effort? Hell No! And providing appropriate medical care and support to those injured in this Neocon War? Not really.
According to the Army Times:
Defense Department officials have laid off most of their case workers who help severely injured service members, sources said.Slap more yellow ribbon magnets on the SUV - that should make up for it!
The case workers for the Military Severely Injured Center serve as advocates for wounded service members who have questions or issues related to benefits, financial resources and their successful return to duty or reintegration into civilian life — all forms of support other than medical care.
...The laid-off workers were told Wednesday to finish up their case work with severely injured troops, and that Friday would be their last day.
“I’m just livid about this,” said Janice Buckley, Washington state chapter president for Operation Homefront...
“They did a fabulous job for these families,” Buckley said. “The kind of work they do for these families who are hanging by a thread ... no other organization helped service members and their families like they did.”
The MSIC case workers provided the wounded service members with contacts and referrals to other organizations and agencies, ranging from the Department of Veterans Affairs to the Social Security Administration, depending on their individual needs. Operation Homefront often helps with the families' emergency financial needs.
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